EPP® Proficiency Profile (EPP®)

Most Western graduates participate in a statewide assessment effort called EPP® Proficiency Profile. This university-wide exit exam must be completed prior to graduation. If you have 90 or more credit hours, you are eligible to pre register online to take the EPP®. Do not confuse the EPP® with your department Major Field Test. You may be required to take both. Please contact your department advisor to ask if there is a department exam that you need to take.

The EPP® test measures general education skills (general studies) such as critical thinking, reading, writing and mathematics. Your scores will be compared to scores of other graduates across the nation. The success of Western students on the EPP® influences the perceptions others have regarding the quality of MWSU programs and the value of your degree. Your confidential scores will be reported to you shortly after the exam is completed and will be recorded in your permanent record.

There will be a number of exams scheduled on campus during fall and spring semester for your convenience. Allow one hour to complete the exam. You may also select the remote proctor option and you will be charged an extra $40.00 for that option. There will be limited opportunities for the remote option. You may find the available dates for that option at https://www.missouriwestern.edu/mwsu-testing-centers/ets-pp/

Online pre registration is required for admission to the on campus testing location. Exam sessions are limited to the number of computer stations available. You must bring a photo ID to be admitted to the exam session. No walk-in registration is permitted. You will be sent several reminder emails before your selected appointment time.

If you are unable to attend your designated testing session, please notify Tricia Fuhr at 816-271-4410 (LEAVE MESSAGE if no answer) or testing@missouriwestern.edu .